Patient Rights & Responsibilities
Evans Memorial Hospital respects your right as a patient, recognizing that each patient is an individual with unique healthcare needs. It is the hospital's obligation and privilege to assist you in exercising your rights as a patient and to inform you of any responsibilities you may have in exercising your rights.

The patient and as applicable-parent, guardian, or other legal representative has the right to:
Receive care, treatment, and/or services that respect your cultural, psychosocial, religious and spiritual values, beliefs, and preferences and respects and preserves your personal dignity and contributes to a positive self-image.
Impartial access to medically indicated treatment without discrimination regardless of age, race, ethnicity, religion, culture, language, physical or mental disability, socioeconomic status, sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity or expression.
Have an Advance Directive (such as a living will or durable power of attorney for healthcare) concerning treatment with the expectation that the hospital staff and practitioners who provide care will honor that directive to the extent permitted by law.
Designate a decision-maker in case you are incapable of understanding a proposed treatment, procedure, or if you are unable to communicate your wishes regarding your care.
Know the identity of physicians, nurses, and others involved in your care, treatment, or services, as well as, when those involved are students, or other trainees.
Ask and be informed of the existence of business relationships among the hospital, educational institutions, other healthcare providers, or payers that may influence your treatment of care.
Obtain information from physicians and other direct caregivers in understandable terms concerning diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and plans for discharge and follow-up care.
Have your family, as appropriate and allowed by law, to be involved in your care, treatment, and service decisions.
Make decisions about your care and refuse care, treatment, or services to the extent permitted by law and to be informed of the medical consequences of such action.
Participate in the development and implementation of your plan of care.
Consideration of security and personal privacy. Case discussion, consultation, examination, and treatment should be conducted to protect your privacy. You may request transfer to another room if another patient or visitors in that room are unreasonably disturbing you.
Be provided with information about the outcomes of care, treatment, and services, including unanticipated adverse outcomes that the patient needs in order to participate in current and future healthcare decisions.
Expect that all communications and records pertaining to your care be treated as confidential by the hospital, except in cases such as suspected abuse or public health hazards when reporting is permitted or required by law.
Information about hospital policies that relate to your care. You have the right to express a concern or file a complaint or grievance regarding your care to the attending physician, nurse assigned to you, or the Nursing Supervisor. You have the right to a timely response to your concern or complaint and a resolution when possible. Expression of a concern or complaint will not compromise your care or future access to care. You may ask to speak to the Nursing Supervisor if you have a concern. Concerns may also be addressed t o the Georgia Department of Human Resources, Office of Regulatory Services at 404-657-5728. In addition, you may contact The Joint Commission for any patient care and safety concerns that are not resolved by the hospital by calling 1-800-994-6610 or emailing
Have a family member or representative of your choice or own physician notified promptly of your admission to the hospital.
Receive care in a safe and secure environment.
Be free from all forms of abuse including mental, physical, sexual, and/or verbal abuse, neglect, harassment, or exploitation.
Be free from seclusion or restraints of any form that are not medically necessary.
Receive information about pain and pain relief measures as appropriate to the medical diagnosis or surgical procedure.
A concerned staff committed to pain prevention and management.
Effective communication. If you need a translator, one will be provided for you for language interpreting and translation services.
Have information provided to you if you have vision, speech, hearing, or cognitive impairments in a manner that meets your needs.
Consent or refuse to participate in any research or treatment that is considered experimental in nature and to have those studies fully explained prior to consent.
Participate in decisions regarding ethical issues surrounding your care, treatment, and services, including issues of conflict resolution, withholding resuscitation, forgoing or withholding of life sustaining treatment and participation in investigational studies or clinical trials. You may ask your nurse or physician to consult the Ethics Committee for resolution of conflicts in decision making regarding your care.
Have your spiritual, psychosocial and cultural beliefs respected.
Have access to protective, and advocacy services, if necessary.
Access information contained in your medical records (inspect and obtain a copy), within a reasonable time frame and have information explained or interpreted as necessary, except as restricted by law.
Request restrictions on the hospital's use and disclosure of protected health information.
Receive confidential communications about your protected information in a certain way or at a certain location. The hospital will grant any reasonable request.
An accounting of disclosures of your protected health information made in the 6 years prior to the date of request, except for disclosures to carry out treatment, payment and healthcare operations.
Request that your medical information be amended. The hospital will respond to all requests. The hospital may deny a patient's request if the medical information is accurate and complete, or if the request pertains to information the hospital did not create.
Receive a copy of Evans Memorial Hospital's Notice of Privacy Practices for Protected Health Information.
Examine and receive an explanation of your hospital bill, regardless of the source of payment.
Respect patient's right to refuse care, treatment, and services, in accordance with law and regulations.
Access, request amendment to, and receive information on disclosures of own health information.
Have a family member, friend, or other individual to be present with you for emotional support during the course of stay as well as the right to withdraw consent for visitation at any time.
Request a discharge planning evaluation by notifying your nurse of your request.
Additional Pediatric Rights:
In addition to the rights above, patients (and as applicable, parents, guardians, or other legal representatives) have the right to the following
Have their developmental needs met while they are in the hospital in an environment that is supportive of infants, children, and adolescents.
Have their parents recognized as partners in decision making and care of their child, as permitted by law.
In providing care, hospitals have the right to expect behavior on the part of parents, their relatives, and friends, which considering their illness, is reasonable and responsible
Your Responsibility as a Patient/Parent/Guardian is to:
Ask questions about specific problems and request information when you do not understand your illness or treatment.
Provide accurate and complete medical information to your physicians and other caregivers.
Provide the hospital with a copy of your written Advance Directive, if you have one.
Follow the treatment plan recommended by the physicians and other caregivers, or if treatment is refused, you are responsible for your actions and the medical consequences.
Show respect to hospital personnel and other patients and ensure that your visitors are considerate in the control of noise, limiting number of visitors, and abstaining from smoking.
Respect hospital property and the property of other patients.
Follow all hospital policies affecting patient care and conduct.
Provide necessary information to ensure processing of hospital bills and make payment arrangements, when necessary.
Report perceived risks in your care.