Laboratory Services
Most patients admitted to the hospital have laboratory tests as a routine part of their stay. The information we gather from the tests completed in our laboratory is important in helping your doctor give you the best possible care.
Evans Memorial Hospital Laboratory offers the services of a fully accredited laboratory. We are licensed by the State of Georgia and CLIA certified. We have a board-certified pathologist to meet the needs of both our patients and doctors.

We provide services for both inpatients and outpatients twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. We perform many tests on site. However, we also have the option of sending tests out to larger accredited reference laboratories.
Evans Memorial has certified phlebotomists who are responsible for drawing patient’s blood for testing in the laboratory. The tests are processed and performed by Registered Medical Technologists.
The laboratory offers services in the area of:
Chemistry: Tests for analytes present in the blood. These tests include Comprehensive Metabolic Profiles, Cardiac Enzymes, Lipid profiles, Renal and Hepatic function tests, Fasting Blood Sugar, Electrolytes, Immunoassays such as Thyroid Profiles, Iron studies, and many more. These tests help to diagnose and monitor patient treatment.
Hematology: Processes whole blood to do a full blood count. Provides hemoglobin, hematocrit, white blood count, platelet count, and differential. Helps to diagnose and monitor infection, sickle cell disease, leukemia, and other illnesses.
Urinalysis: Tests urine for chemical and cellular components. Helps to diagnose urinary tract infections, monitors diabetes, and kidney function.
Serology : Allows testing for Flu A and B, Strep Throat, RSV, C. difficile, for rapid diagnosis.
Microbiology: Receives clinical specimens including swabs, feces, urine, blood, sputum, and more. Microbiology helps identify the specific cause of infection and determine the most effective antibiotic to use for treatment.